Kubota Senjyu Ginjo Sake 720ml
Brand: Kubota Shuzo Asahi Shuzo Co., Ltd. (Kubota) Taste Light and Dry Rice Variety: Gohyakumangoku Alcohol 15.0% RPR 55% SMV +5.0 Acidity 1.1 Senju was the first product in the Kubota series, launched in 1985. Brewed to make sake more in line with modern eating habits, the sake was crisp and completely different from the rich, full-bodied sake that was popular at the time. 35 years later, they continue to search for a fresher sake that fits the changing eating habits of society. This April, in conjunction with Asahi's 100th anniversary and Kubota's 35th anniversary, Senju has been updated. Making the enzyme content in their koji (the fungus that helps break down rice into sugars) higher, which produces more sugar, they have managed to keep the same trademark crispness but add more roundness and depth.