Tray 1: hamachi sashimi, aka-ebi sashimi, king crab sashimi, madai sashimi, kanpachi sashimi, toro sashimi, salmon sashimi, tako sashimi, abalone sashimi, uni sashimi.
Tray 2: premium gomoku chriashi (uni, ikura, salmon, tuna, scallop, aka-ebi, hamachi, king crab, tamago)
所有材料均有季節性限制,如有任何材料缺貨,將會換成其他同樣價值材料,不另行通知。如有特殊要求,例如“必須包含海膽”,請詳細註明。All the ingredients are subject to change due to season without notice. If you have specific items you want to include, eg. "Must have Uni", Please SPECIFY.